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Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue is a 501c3 Non Profit devoted to helping rescue Boston Terriers and other dogs whenever we can.


We have reasonable requirements to ensure we place in the right home.

Get Involved

We are in desperate need of foster homes, drivers and donations.

Ask For Help

Are you having difficulties with your Boston Terrier that are leading you to consider giving the dog away?

Read our posts about current dogs in need, auctions and more.
Alumni Adele

Alumni Adele

Alumni Adele loving life!

Homer needs a home

Homer needs a home

Homer came into our rescue from Mesilla Valley Animal Services. He needed surgery to improve his breathing but has completed...

Millie was a stray

Millie was a stray

Liliana is fostering Millie who came in as a stray.

Patrick is learning the ropes

Patrick is learning the ropes

With Yoda, Cash and Carol

Patrick is on his way to his forever home

Patrick is on his way to his forever home

Go Team Patrick! Little Patrick is settling in with Carol &Bob and pack mates Yoda & Cash. Bob drove to...